Monday, November 1, 2010

30 days

I think the older you get the more thankful you are for your family. As annoying as they can be they are the biggest fans in your life. You couldn't choose them, but they are sure nice to have around. I'm so thankful for my parents and I miss the people that are no longer with me.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Life is a series of ever changing circumstances. Every time I feel like I have a hold on where my life is heading or where it's supposed to be...something changes.

John Lennon I believe said "life is what happens while you are busy making other plans". I so need to follow that in my life. Make a plan, but don't be rigid.

I never thought I'd see the day where my easy going attitude and "la tee da" approach to life would change. But the day has come.

My friend at school *he is more of a mentor/father-figure/soothsayer of sorts* told me today, "everything is going to be will be fine...move ahead with CONFIDENCE"!

Sounds so simple and yet it is the hardest thing to imagine. Nothing bad has happened...nothing good has's just that life is happening.

So today...I'm going to let confidence lead me to live the life that is happening around me...whether I planned for it, or not.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I vow...

To write at least once a week. I love to write and it seems like so many other people do such a great job at keeping up with their blogging. It provides me so many great ideas and is so relaxing to read what other people have time to do in their lives. I feel like I barely have time to sleep. But I'm going to keep up with this thing even if nobody reads it but me.

Getting back into the swing of school, grad school, tennis, and life in general has been busy!! I love every minute of it even if I sometimes feel like I haven't seen my friends/family/pet in forever.

Starbucks has brought back my favorite thing in the whole wide world...the PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE, however since temperatures around here have been in the mid to upper 90's I've yet to enjoy one, but I'm waiting for just the right day, :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Not so sure this is going to be my new favorite pastime...

I have been working with a personal trainer since June '09, his name is Vidal and he is wonderful. Many times I have felt like his workouts were going to kill me or at least put me in a place where I was near death. He's had me lift cement blocks over my head, run up and down a hill til my tongue was wagging, and crab walk across grass still wet from a rain shower. But I love him anyway...and he's a patient man. He allows me to complain when I need to, but he never ever lets me stop my workout. I had not been active since 2000 until I am thankful for him. I generally don't question what he asks me to do, but yesterday he said, "Can you be here in time for yoga at 4?" I replied, "Sure"...then I thought to myself...what in the world have I done????????

I feel like all the pictures I have in my head of people doing yoga are these extremely tall, extremely blonde, six pack abs sporting women that probably ran a marathon the day before and are using yoga to cool their muscles out. I knew that it was going to be an experience for sure.

Elliott was the yoga instructors name, he is extremely tall and probably covered his 6pack abs so we wouldn't be jealous. Vidal and I hopped on our yoga mats...and after an hour of cobras, downward/upward/3-legged dogs and crescent postitions I felt like I had been beaten nearly half to death. I only felt a little better when I looked over and saw that Vidal was drenched in sweat. Surprisingly...I enjoyed it!!!
Can't wait til next week at 4 to see what moves I can pull off...

Look below to see me in my best yoga stance :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why is it that....

There is only one reality show that I have really looked forward to this spring...The Biggest Loser. So why is it that when it gets down to the FINAL 4 contestants the show which I have DVR'ed religiously since it started in January records without SOUND!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH, Koli I see your mouth moving but I cannot hear what you are saying. Thank goodness for the internet and full length episodes :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We need it...but nobody wants it :(

This is what yesterday looked like...

I woke up this morning and today looked like...

I am well aware that the farmers in the area and even the small scale garden growers are very happy for this rain. Heck, my neighbors might not even have to water their grass for a few days...but I'm tired of being soaked everytime I walk outside.

Dear sunshine, we miss you. hurry back. --Jessica

Monday, May 17, 2010

Please hurry...

**side note** I cannot wait to be on the beach with my best friends in just a little over a week. HURRY mini vacation

taking time out...

This year has really flown by. I can't believe that it's already time for summer again. I am looking forward to spending some time relaxing in just a few weeks. This school year has certainly been a whirlwind as I knew it would be when I chose last fall to complete the National Board certification process for teaching. I will not find out until November whether or not I achieved this certification, but I can honestly say I'm sooooooo glad it's over.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So I took a long hiatus...

I'm a firm believer in the fact that life is like a roller coaster; some years are good and some are not so wonderful. 2009 was a downward loop in the world of Miss Avery. I think it's easy to get so caught up in things that are bad for you...overeating, too much alcohol, or even a person. In 2009 I allowed myself to be consumed by someone who brought little or nothing to my life that was positive. Coming to the realization that so many around me had tried to share was difficult. There were many hurtful interactions between myself and this person...and I mainly began to feel like I was only a sliver of my former self.

I made a big decision in June of last year...that I was going to force myself off the couch...and after 10 years of little or no physical activity, I joined a gym and got myself a personal trainer. What an amazing transformation this has caused within me. I finally like what I see just a little bit better than I have in a very long time. But more importantly, I am more content with my insides as well. Letting go of the bad was not easy, but I'm well on my way to being a much better me.