Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tobacco Road Battle...really who cares?

UNC-CH...Duke University

Granted, both teams have a better record than my cherished alma mater NCSU (Go Pack), but unfortunately they also both have the most annoying fans in the world.  I understand that you were born with your "light blue" or "duke blue" blood, but let's face more than likely don't have a degree from either one of said institutions.  Just because you got a UNC starter coat for Christmas in the early 1990s, does not give you the authority to talk smack on F@cebook for months prior to this match up.  It also does not give you the right to blame every loss on the refs.   No matter how hard you want to dog Coach K or Roy, neither of them "suck" as a coach.  Man up can't win 'em all. 

 Find this here

UNC Poster Win!

So here's to you Mr. Tarheel Starter Jacket Cameron Crazy Excuse Maker...your rivalry is no comparison to Muhammed Ali vs. Joe Frazier, Pepsi vs. Coke, Cats vs. Dogs, or Good vs. Evil.

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