Monday, May 18, 2009

I still feel 25...most of the time.

I've been working on my masters for what seems like forever...I took one class in 2005...and never really got on the real track until a year ago. I'm halfway done, and now they start cutting classes due to this excessive amount of debt our state is in...go figure. I would be done in December if not for this, but because of the state of our economy, East Carolina will get my money for one more semester and I will be finished in May '10. I'm taking 12 hours over the course of the summer and I'm nervous. First summer session, I'm taking Studies in Hispanic/Latino Literature and also Studies in the Process of Composition.

Long story short, I logged into Blackboard today and I noticed that even though class doesn't actually begin until tomorrow, about nine of my classmates were already taking part in discussions and getting their work done. I'm a last minute person, but with my school work I am generally not a day behind before I begin...I truly felt like Elle Woods on her first day of law school, my friend suggested that I just get some scented pink paper and that would make everything better!

My weekend was amazing! My best friend graduated from nursing school on Friday and her pinning ceremony was beautiful! They had a slide show which was backed up by "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. I am truly not a Miley or Billy Ray Cyrus fan, but I think that the lyrics to this song are thought provoking. I heard it on the radio twice yesterday and it actually made me cry a little.

Saturday was even better, although I didn't make it to the Merritt pig pickin again this year (sorry lizzie)! I love country music and especially country concerts...and Saturday night tops them all. George Strait is truly a legend and I really enjoyed the way he mixed up his older number one hits with new stuff. He's the man and I really thought Blake Shelton was awesome too. I didn't realize how many songs were his until I listened to his show the other night. Great times.

Now just a countdown until Friday...can't wait until I'm leaving to put my toes in the sand.

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